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Thule Urban Glide - Bringing Smiles Mile By Mile

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

As most of you know, the preschool year is coming to an end here, and turkey season (hubby is a hunter) is for the full month of May <insert groan>.  So I'm having to get more creative with my workouts. I've been utilizing the playground (Make Playgrounds Your Gym) for strength training and cross training, but getting in run time can be difficult especially if I want to get outside. After our harsh winter and spending time on the treadmill, the thoughts of running inside when it's so beautiful outside just isn't something that I want to do.

I pulled out the old jogger from last year and took Lil Man for a run. Wow, I could tell that he's bigger this year than last - and the old jogger isn't on the sleek side. So when I tried out the Thule Urban Glide, I couldn't believe the difference in how easy it was to push compared to the chunkier one.

I absolutely love the cover on the storage compartment. I've found with uncovered compartments if the road was a little wet that it would sling dirt/mud onto whatever was in the storage area. With the cover (that Velcros shut) this isn't an issue. There is also a zippered pocket and a mesh pocket. I found them small enough not to be cumbersome, yet large enough to hold everything that I needed. 

Lil Man is 4 and weighs close to 40lbs, and he still fits comfortably.  

He loved the shaded cover (oh, and it was his idea to wear all of the reflective gear - he's my safety man :) 

But the straps are completely adjustable and would securely hold smaller children. I started running with Lil Man in a running stroller when he was still young, and I'm very glad that I did. 

Another thing that I totally love about the Thule Urban Glide is that it's super easy to fold up. You literally slide and turn one handle and the stroller folds. (you can also remove the 2 back wheels). 

Once folded it takes up very little space. I keep it in the front room of my house so that it's easy for me to grab it when Lil Man and I are ready to go for a run. 

And as an added bonus that Hubby will love is that the front wheel can either be locked or allowed to swivel. So not only will we utilize it as a running stroller, but we can use it as a regular stroller. And the handle extends high enough for him. I was actually a little worried that the handle wouldn't be low enough for me, but it was. One handle setting lower might would have been a little more comfortable for me (since I'm so short), but it worked fine 

I was actually really shocked at how easy the Urban Glide was to push and maneuver. Lil Man has loved it, and so have I. We will be getting lots of miles and lots of smiles out of this stroller. 

Here is a great video showing the features of the Thule Urban Glide 

All in all, I've so very very pleased with this running stroller. I found it to be durable yet easy to push. I would highly recommend the Thule Urban Glide. We love it! 

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